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Website revamp

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Website revamp
« on: February 08, 2017, 11:18:41 pm »


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So, there might be a chance to finally going through with the plans of improving/revamp the website. I would love to have feedback from ours members. I want to be able to present a final product that lives to everyone exceptions So, if you have any:
  • complain with current website;
  • feature you would like to see better/more explored;
  • new feature you would like to see implemented;
now is your chance. Please, leave your feedback in this topic :)

I also extend this messages to the admins, if there is any area where the backend could see improvements, let me know(here or through pm/IRC)

Re: Website revamp
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2017, 05:23:11 pm »


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Hi Myhorta,

Firstly I think for starters the website should incorporate "Grammarly" into it which I picked up for free and is available from (  However for me, it's an extension for chrome so I don't know if it can be incorporated into a website (I'm never going to be a coder), but it is certainly handy for posts and threads where English is not the first language of the poster.

The second improvement I'd like to see would be a query section where players can raise issues, without directly accusing others of foul play, and also incorporating a poll/comment section to see what the general public (as opposed to just admins) feel is the right solution to any such issue.  If unsure what I'm getting at, have a look at this site: (, by the way, I just choose a random subject at to show you what I meant, but as you can see, there is both the option to vote in a poll and comment if the voter so wishes.  This could be invaluable for ironing out common rule breaks/or formation of new rules yet un-invented.

Other improvements I'm sure I'll come up with in time ^^



Re: Website revamp
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2017, 03:12:36 am »


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hey :)

About the Grammar, it's simple: most known browsers have features similar to this one:
(browser in Portuguese to check spelling on English (this case))

About the rest, imo, poll discussion about the rules are only to be discussed among admins - that's the reason some players are admins and others aren't - Opinions are and will always be welcome.
I still remember when I was admin on n-ice, and competition was allowed on secondary resources, for goods. And I tried to change it, I even gave some other possibilities in the time!!

Anyway, I think open a poll in a case to ALL players give opinion about it is the same that say that admins can't judge it! Bad suggestion, imo! Forums or threads to make a crowdsource... already exists ^^

Now, understanding all the work Myhorta already had when made this SMF based forum and, using same DB to don't loose data, I recommend the usage of an open based forum/website! Unless you sign up yourself for future updates when needed!

Well, the real suggestion is: Create a Specific Forum Thread to receive admin calls, with savegame (xShunter allows it) and there other players could give an opinion too (sadly, on this matter I gave up of sending chat's and screenshots to other admin, even when player is ingame and doing the same)

PS: ofc that I dnt need to remember that logins/logouts are not sync now between n-ice website and forum - other suggestion ^^
« Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 03:23:54 am by ST2 »