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Multi-companies... allowed?!

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Multi-companies... allowed?!
« on: June 05, 2014, 02:11:01 am »


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in conclusion of this topic, but not directly related.
I truly hope not a standard behavior here (see too the logs from Crater and Binder players)

but ofc... they should be searching for some hidden achievements, and not cheating with multi-companies for terraforming or whatever!
this actions are getting acception in n-ice servers without punishement (sadly)...

and I think I should say a word... because cheaters like this, consider that can do the same in other servers, because it's acceptable here!

and I won't post irc logs again because someone will say was testing somestuff. I just think there's no need other communities handle with players saying that was no problem on n-ice servers (because of similar rules we have). And players that use several companies to reach/obtain any goal, breaks the basic OpenTTD Multiplayer Rules.

sadly, an unwanted behavior in any server... but allowed in the n-ice servers! and that... leaves me sad, as I said!  (only me... because cheaters dnt care ^^)

and for the lack of answers on my questions about the subject, it's ok: each player can create several companies for whatever the intention on it (what's the goal of making several companies anyway... no harm on it, right?)

edit: to Andreas... I'll put my fox image... I don't want you complain about it, neither the words you said blindly... but that's ok! I was blinded once too ^^!
note: Image updated. Happy now Andreas?!
« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 02:27:48 am by ST2 »

Re: Multi-companies... allowed?!
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2014, 02:38:02 am »


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only can edit same post 3 times - was testing it ^^^

now, to the point... AGAIN!

- when a company is not doing good and do a reset = acceptable!
- when a company do a reset/create new 18 times is what?

for now... acceptable, correct?

from what I saw, it's a yes!
« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 02:46:30 am by ST2 »

Re: Multi-companies... allowed?!
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2014, 02:19:39 pm »


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Hi once again :)

Well first let me ask: why you ask a question you already seem to have the answer to?

In your first post you say that people that start multiple companies like that are cheaters, that it is unwanted behavior and against the general OpenTTD rules. Since you have already made up your mind about it, what is the use of this question:
- when a company do a reset/create new 18 times is what?
for now... acceptable, correct?

If your point is that it is against current rules, but not reacted on/enforced responded to, why not just ask why admins don't or simply state that you think it is bad?

Now back to your questions: As I stated in an earlier post long ago I think that difference between rules/enforcement between communities are good.It gives players a choice and add more variety. In the end more people playing the game is good for the whole community as they are a motivation to continue work and might even contribute themselves one day.

There are also a number of other differences between n-ice and BTPro. (Walking on water, station spread to name two). If you want to equalize all that, why not make one big community with 40 servers and a joint channel. That way there will be more admins available as well!

So in the end, I do not believe anything that happens on n-ice should be a problem for you at BTPro, because they are simply not the same. Have you ever had a player that made multiple companies at BTPro and when confronted told you: but it was allowed on n-ice?

And now I will ask you to be direct again... Do you think Kwissy cheated? If so say it out straight, and stop insinuating. Also please explain in what way. It would be usefull for all admins to know, because the more you know about cheats, the easier it is to act against them.

Offtopic: About the image, it was simply a reference to the fact that you usually use that image to identify yourself. I also think that you introduced yourself somewhere with "ST2 aka the fox", but that might be my memory playing tricks on me. So in short: my mood is in no way positively or negatively affected by your avatar. Thanks for taking the trouble nevertheless.

Ps. Would it be possible to have some answers in stead of more questions in your reply? It saves me and others a lot of reading between the lines

« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 02:25:29 pm by Andreas »
alex879ro: "Each player has a different knowledge of the game, and then we got Andreas :)"

Re: Multi-companies... allowed?!
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2014, 04:37:00 pm »


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Andreas +1 karma  ;D, ST2 -1 karma   :(

Re: Multi-companies... allowed?!
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2014, 09:58:08 pm »


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I'll simply ignore The_Dude's post because, as always, it says very much on the subject and person!!

Andreas, thread title says it all: "Multi-companies... allowed?!". And if I added this:
- when a company do a reset/create new 18 times is what?
for now... acceptable, correct?
it's because was getting on levels that players could consider that "normal". Gladly Chucky saw 1 happening and acted... with a simple line: (nicely done)
[21:27:26] <~Chucky> 5say eh holischiit ???
[21:27:34] <+OTTD-5> Holischiit (White): ups
[21:27:48] <+OTTD-5> Holischiit (White): Big Brother is watching you

Andreas, at any point I've refered a particular community because, as you said, I know the answer, but players don't! (seems so)
And is too much ask for an admin's opinion in a community where I'm not admin?

For me, multi-company reset/creation abuse it's not an acceptable behaviour... but I got the idea that was OK, due the actions taken! And players need to know that too!

Re: Multi-companies... allowed?!
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2014, 10:29:33 pm »


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You have simply not ignored my post, since you had refered to it.

Thanks fot the notion of my awesome existence :D I am also happy you managed with editing limit this time   ;)

Re: Multi-companies... allowed?!
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2014, 11:18:02 pm »


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well, if I made replies "full of emptyness" like you... I wouldn't need to edit them too!

Because I made  thread about a serious matter, Andreas replied (and well) and you, as usually, only atack with destructive words, trying to bring your sh*t to a subject that's being abused massively!
Even kids discussing TV sizes have better arguements than you! And ofc they don't need to edit them, too!! And I won't call you stupid (or the other fancy name) because, hopefully, you have mirrors at home.

The_Dude, if you want to share your opinion about the subject... you're welcome! If not, save your frustration to yourself!

Note: as I said, this post is not directly related to the mentioned Kwissy's post but to the behavior itself.

And I'll stop here! It was my 2 lines on the garbage level! Yes, I can go there down too, but as I said to Chucky once, I prefer not doing it. Sometimes I can look a bit angry and words don't come out the way I want, but at least are not empty of meaning about the game/gameplay.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 11:20:34 pm by ST2 »

Re: Multi-companies... allowed?!
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2014, 12:06:53 am »


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oops, you let yourself go a bit here. Do you have problems with self control and short temper?

And that, in nuthshell, is this topic all about.

Re: Multi-companies... allowed?!
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2014, 12:10:59 am »


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as I said... my 2 "lines" on your level!

btw, I didn't catch your opinion about the subject. Oh right, you haven't said anything about it! I'm getting used to your tries to destabilize a subject!

The_Dude, before you made your reply... did you even read the subject?
« Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 12:14:40 am by ST2 »

Re: Multi-companies... allowed?!
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2014, 01:06:43 am »


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Note: as I said, this post is not directly related to the mentioned Kwissy's post but to the behavior itself.
Why do you link it then... if you really want an answer from the users in here => bad start.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 01:09:24 am by Kwissy »

Re: Multi-companies... allowed?!
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2014, 01:46:26 am »


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Note: as I said, this post is not directly related to the mentioned Kwissy's post but to the behavior itself.
Why do you link it then... if you really want an answer from the users in here => bad start.

in conclusion of this topic, but not directly related.

in other words: isn't about you or your particular actions there... it's about reset/new company behavior itself.
maybe if you joined server channles you could understand what I'm talking about. See the "Holischiit" quote below (the persons quoted can talk better about it).

I've created a different thread because the behavior of multicompanies was getting a fever. It's like society: if one does and it's not punished, all that see (consider ppl that are on IRC channels too) thinks that's an allowed action. And after that will escalate quickly! Hopefully, players and admins will understand my question: "Multi-companies... allowed?!"

And until now, no answer! and I haven't asked for "2 companies... allowed?!", for the same reason that exists "bigamy" and "poligamy". Well, my fault, maybe I should asked: "Policompanies... allowed?!"

Now Kwissy, I invite you to join servers channel and see things there: and it's not hard to see the differences between this 2 cases:
- A player start new company - after a while reset/create new and continues...
- A player start new company - after a while reset/create/reset/create/reset/create/reset/create/reset/create... (or replace reset/create by join spectators/create, it's exactly the same intention)

to finish, and clear your doubts: I've only linked to the post to show the behavior (it's the question made) and because I know you won't repeat the same :P

Re: Multi-companies... allowed?!
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2014, 11:39:57 am »


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You know, ST, this topic does not make much sense, when you look at it, that's why I have not say anything serious about it here.

Creating many companies just to spam them or use their cash for unfair advantage is a cheat and it is against rules. I think n-ice admins know it, and they just dont feel like like arguing with you about that from obvious reasons.
You yourself are not so stupid to dont know it is a cheat, so the question that has arisen here is, why did you make this topic at first place?

I will restrain myself from calling you Silly Troll  this time and do just a little psychoanalysis just for the fun of it.

post #1
You said about me
Quote from: ST2
...  only atack with destructive words, trying to bring your sh*t to a subject

While you are very constructive here
Quote from: ST2
in conclusion of this topic, but not directly related.
1. refering to topic where another player is more or less unjustly blamed
Quote from: ST2
I truly hope not a standard behavior here (see too the logs from Crater and Binder players)
2. sarcasm to falsely point to reader that n-ice servers encourage cheating

Quote from: ST2
... because cheaters like this, consider that can do the same in other servers, because it's acceptable here!
3.  like 2, also implying that n-ice does really support cheaters and tells them to go cheating to other servers. It is illogical, because cheaters will cheat anywhere if they can, there is no valid connection to blame n-ice.

Quote from: ST2
I just think there's no need other communities handle with players saying that was no problem on n-ice servers
4. Again, throwing dirt on n-ice, which cant be responsible for people not reading rules of server they are currently playing and making stupid excuses.

Quote from: ST2
sadly, an unwanted behavior in any server... but allowed in the n-ice servers! and that... leaves me sad, as I said!  (only me... because cheaters dnt care ^^)
5. again, false statement about n-ice server, there you added a personal feeling and a touch of your exclusivity that you care to earn reader's trust and your belief, that n-ice is becoming garbage

post #2
Quote from: ST2
only can edit same post 3 times - was testing it ^^^
1 Why not make a whine about stupid forum restriction, while it is your own incapability to make up your mind not on first time, but even not on third time. Aka blame others.

Quote from: ST2
for now... acceptable, correct?
from what I saw, it's a yes!
2. Asked a question indicating that the cheat is acceptable here and answered it in disadvantage of n-ice.

post #3
Quote from: ST2
... I know the answer, but players don't! (seems so)
1. Creating a picture of you being the smart and right person, while others are probably stupid and need to be educated.

Quote from: ST2
And is too much ask for an admin's opinion in a community where I'm not admin?
2. Pretending to come with pure intension to make things clear and fix a problem.

Quote from: ST2
And players need to know that too!
3. One of my favorite quotes. Pleading to all players around to put your status a big value of importance. Pity we scarcely see any players that do not know or need to know.

post #4
Quote from: ST2
Because I made  thread about a serious matter, ...
1. Again, adding a big value to your subject, the subject of such importance, everybody should join you talking about it

Quote from: ST2
... a subject that's being abused massively!
2. Here you makeing it appear like every second n-ice player does it, but it is easily traceable that it is about very very small sample of villain players.

post #5
Quote from: ST2
... the behavior of multicompanies was getting a fever.
1. Obious enlarging of the problem. From what we can see, there was one player who spammed companies in a searching for hidden achievemnt and another one or two were trolling with it. This cannot be called a fever.

Quote from: ST2
It's like society: if one does and it's not punished, all that see (consider ppl that are on IRC channels too) thinks that's an allowed action.
2. Now you are teaching us about colective behaviour, presuming that everyone will copy bad actions. You either think we all are nothing but a herd or you only want to create a mass illusion of thing going down around here.

Quote from: ST2
And after that will escalate quickly! Hopefully, players and admins will understand my question: "Multi-companies... allowed?!"
3. Picture of coming apocalypse and a glimpse of dubbing yourself a savior who will teach local admins about the right way. Thanks, we players and n-ice admins will handle ourselvers.

Quote from: ST2
And until now, no answer! and I haven't asked for "2 companies... allowed?!", for the same reason that exists "bigamy" and "poligamy". Well, my fault, maybe I should asked: "Policompanies... allowed?!"
4. Making admins look like they dont care about obeying rules and suggesting that your question should be made simpler so those simpletons understand. But at this point careful reader can think that maybe the absence of anwer is caused by another reason.

To sum things up, there is high amount of hidden meaning that are so unkind to n-ice team, that I have to ask myself, whether it is intention or some kind of revenge to n-ice team, which expelled you some time ago.

Can't you just live with past and let it go? Why do you always have to pick people to hate, like you did with Luukland, Fugas, alex, Chucky, ... All those guys have their way of doing things, their ideas of how to run openttd server, but it was not your idea, so you had to constantly annoy them with posts like this thread.

Even the title "Multi-companies... allowed?!" suggests, you dont really care about the subject itself and from your posts on n-ice, the grudge literally radiates from it.
All you do is talking in everything in a way that would make even a phlegmatic person explode and when you have been told to calm down, you have melodramatically erased your n-ice forum account and made it look like n-ice admins did it. And when they, from their own helpful motion, renew it, you reward like this? This makes me go WTF?

You are now btpro admin, why dont you invest your time there. You dont see n-ice team talking to btpro servers things, do you? At least not in such amount as you do around here.
And if you want to participate in n-ice more, why dont you ask to become n-ice admin again?

Quote from: ST2
to finish, and clear your doubts: I've only linked to the post to show the behavior (it's the question made) and because I know you won't repeat the same
In my opinion you are the last one to tell to anybody else that he wouldn't repeat the same.

Re: Multi-companies... allowed?!
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2014, 02:11:04 pm »


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Wise words the_dude, I only can add:  In my opinion Holischiit is a new player and just entered in the ottd world at our servers. So I dislike to punish him on his first steps. He knows that I take a look on his doings and if it goes out of control I will do that I must do.

Re: Multi-companies... allowed?!
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2014, 03:54:57 pm »


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to finish, and clear your doubts: I've only linked to the post to show the behavior
Honestly you acting like someone is in here who does not know what a company reset is. Sorry but the multicompany-thing you mention here is perfectly written in the openttd multiplayer rules, do not cheat to advance yourself in the game or something like this. You try to make this story up, about the reason why you do this we can all just speculate.

Now Kwissy, I invite you to join servers channel and see things there: and it's not hard to see the differences between this 2 cases:
For admins a must, for a regular player not interested to spy out others, complete nonsense. It's clearly the admins job to talk to those guys, which works pretty good at the moment for admins and players on n-ice.

Re: Multi-companies... allowed?!
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2014, 10:57:05 pm »


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finally a The_Dude's reply that deserves that name.

@ The_Dude: until you quoted some parts of what I said that you can not confirm. maybe to you is normal take opinion on things you didn't even saw happening. but probably we must accept that being great attempt, when was it that destroyed your reply credibility. And I could get some quotes too but as I said, it's worthless to make replies with credibility zero. But ofc, you can try to show that you don't have criteria duality and talk a bit about GPL v2. Remember that?

@ Chucky: about Holischiit, you really believe he's new? he had perfect notion of what was doing, and kept, until you talk! but I saw too other players do the same, and almost on same second you use some command on servers channel. it's impossible not notice the spam! that's why my question, because if it's a cheat, therefore not allowed (wich I agree). almost had the feeling of "two weights and two measures" among the players. Glad we cleared that out.