First things first:
with that being said, here's my constructive criticism:
I like the idea of no performance, making the goal of this server a race for CV (similar to population on CB servers). I do still feel that it should be a contest of money making lines (so goal not too high). No idea what a good number would be though. Maybe we should try to get some good players to achieve the highest CV in 30 minutes (invite solo/constructor/... ?) to get an idea of what is possible, then set the goal slightly higher so that the average player would need just under 1 hour to finish it. (current s7 games took me about 24 minutes, record times are 20 I think?)
No vehicle limit (or vehicles high enough to simulate this as it's technically impossible to have no limit) seems a good idea as well.
I do suggest to set up a script to figure out CV cheating (purchasing several vehicles in depot just for the CV) so that this can't be abused and we don't have to check the logs for each game just to find the cheaters ...
Other option that would be interesting but not sure if possible:
set the goal to bank balance instead of CV and disable transferring money. This makes it a true contest of profitability on your first trains and the only way to "cheat" is by selling/destroying everything you own to get a refund ... which is a really risky strategy with only a small benefit.
suggestions for the settings:
goal limit able to reach in less than: 30mins for fast players, 1hour for mediocre players, over 1 hour only for newbies who don't really understand the game.
starting with monorail: (no need to wait for ages for that first ka-ching!)
map size: 512x512 (some people think this is tiny already, we're not aiming for big networks here remember?)
vehicle limit: 500 (won't be reached anyway, so it's virtually infinite) (no ships tho)
noise limit: euhm, no planes?
town size: preferably rather small, since pax is too profitable (current records on s7 are all with pax trains for this reason)
ps Chucky:
I don't have anything against changing s7. My main issue was that the originial discussion was about changing it to something longer because mini games (1 hour or less) were not popular enough (with biased statistics, ask me about this if you're interested, I don't want to start a fight about that here). Changing s7 to something more interesting with still a short goal is not really a problem ^.^