This is a concern i've had for some time and with the new forum i thought i might aswell start a thread on here to see what other people think. Personally, i believe there should be changes made to the settings in order to make things fairer. Either the map size should be increased or the start and end years are changed. Conventional railed technology is highly inferior on desert in comparison to temperate and i believe that getting monorails earlier on is a good solution. However, i may not the best suited to judge as i've only played a few games on there so i am interested to hear the opinions of everyone who has played on #8(and especially geert as he's probably to only person to have won consistently to my knowledge). I hope i'm not the only one who would like change on this server as it'll take a few people to agree for this to even be considered as an idea. So, what is everyone's thoughts on the matter?