well, for sure it is noteworthy the 2 chat levels:
1: when I'm trying to give some help (because person in question got some blanks (lets call it like this now));
2: when the help it's not needed;
Between this 2 steps things escalated for obvious reasons, already stated and shown, but ignored! Basicaly,
someone that do NOT respect rules enforced with/to other players gets immunity. Other players got permanent ban for less (includes banned by
him for similar situations)! After that, why not being sarcastic, meanwhile confused with "trolling". Never was and never will be my intention of trolling n-ice community.
Btw, what I expect from an OpenTTD admin (or Operator, not Admin - because 2nd one is too mainstream
(intentional irony, sarcasm or whatever)), is at least knowing where binary version configuration is saved and where xShunter gets that info (dedicated servers with multi cfg files are tricky here when updating, but solution is simple).
When I use "incompetent" word it's because "
i` m a bit rusty with xShunter`s error" when we all know that being rusty (smutty) is a natural state (even at this time).
The Quakenet answer/words... pretty wimple to understand:
http://www.n-ice.org/openttd/contact.php at bottom, why players can't find Admins there (Operators or whatever)?
Side note: I wasn't returning from the pub, but nothing that matters for the case.About the quote, the proof that's not random and was applied on the right moment, with the obvious words I used after, it's on the ban appeared immediately after. That showed the fear in the words the words he used. I know respect people who give respect, not those who consider themselves superior. And that happened many times!
(lucky players that dnt see chats)!Now sincerely xOR, I don't see the need of you leave to stop work on the new score system! And for that I've changed the Wiki: person that don't know/understand OpenTTD mechanics and/or his cfg files, don't respect rules enforced, rusty on xShunter errors and so on... For sure can easily do the public version developments/upgrades. Unless NEITHER that he can do properly! And I ask... Why? Answer is simple: play until get full powers and server access, then you can go on and play other games (despite the fact that not respecting rules on this one, more then that are only speculations, but confirmable by the people around).
Even yesterday when I've spotted a bug (major) in watch window (player) answer was: "they were bugged since 1.2.3...". I've said " thank you for the reports..." (ironically, ofc). Only now found it and fixed it. From here all you can discover my will of continue my work.
To Finish, I have only more 4 points to say:
- At least now players know who's making latest server changes
(like "cfg file, what is that?... Don't worry, I'm Admin... sorry, Operator") ^^;
- Rules because I've quited admin team
(lets keep this version) wasn't changed, isn't respected... unless someone complains! And who complains because of a SIMPLE rule... can get banned (happened couple times);
- You can accept an Admin
(damn!!!..., Operator - I always keep forgetting this ^^) that don't respect server rules (but enforce them), same as I can accept any kind of ban here;
- That's why I'll accept future bans (with all the respect that I have for xOR's work and probably he knows what was my efforts for n-ice team- without the need of "titles");
Players know now and others will know later. Give them time!! Movie quote, the difference is there!
But sometimes Admins (grrrr, Operators) think that ST2 is sleeping...
(anyway, even without screenshots, post is big enough ^^)Good games to all OpenTTD players