Considering i haven't posted on n-ice's new forum yet, i thought i'd start with an introduction. So hello, I'm Cossack. I'm an English 17-year-old living in a shit little town in the south of England called Newbury. I don't have a job because i'm lazy as fuck and my interests include Chelsea FC, drinking tea, doing nothing, being stoned, the internet, late-night TV, Trains and last but by no means the least; oTTD. I first came across TTD at the tender age of 5 but i didn't start playing the Multiplayer until last year. N-ice's server #5 was my first foray into the world of oTTD online but since then i've settled on #3 and that's where you're most likely to find me if you wish to play. When it comes to the game i'm pretty competitive and not quite as reserved as most players so if you challenge me or anger me I will most likely react with hostile language and hostile game tactics too. However, outside of oTTD and when i'm just spectating, i'm usually pretty laid back and i often enjoy a good joke. Also, i'm pretty opinionated so if you want a good discussion on a topic that i have atleast some knowledge of then feel free to argue with me, i'll happily talk out my arse until you physically cannot continue the conversation. Now, is that everything? oh no, i think i'll give a shoutout to my fellow kings on #3 sancho, maximillion, outlaw and all rest, shoutout to Andrew(even though he probably won't read this) and also big up to everyone on the n-ice team for providing a great gaming atmosphere, keeping #3 running smoothly and helping me out with silly little things like advice on how to remove Chow Mein from a pair of red women's shoes. Right, well that just about covers everything. I hope i haven't come across as too much of a dick. I look forward to seeing you all on the forum and most importantly in-game
