well first of all I am not an admin, but I saw the the whole discussion and this is what I have to say about it:
He started harressing everyone to "follow the rules" on the server, and that he was getting impatient.
As you correctly state, he is an admin and that makes it his 'job' to make people follow the rules. Secondly taking 25 minutes to explain it to you and only getting relpies klike, it's with good intentions, and I'm tired, and you ruin the fun is not my idea of impatience.
I vaguely remember him saying something along the lines "the only reason you are not banned is because I have patience...". Should an admin be saying this kind of stuff?
Well what he said there is true, if other admins were online the discussion woud have ended 20 minutes earlier with a ban for you or you cleaning it up much faster. Furthermore this was a reply to your remark that you would come back another time when hopelfully he would not be arround. He had a very valid point that if it is not him but some other admin you will get less patience.
Nobody was really breaking the rules, well maybe there were rules broken... but there was no abuse, if there were rules broken it was not with bad intentions, if you have log please check it and decide for yourself.
Dude? seriously no rules broken? You both were blocking cities with reserved land and used station spread. Intentions don't matter (well maybe for desicoin to ban or warn you, or the lengt of a possible ban, but is does not make it "not breaking any rules".
I tried to explain Geert what is going on in the game, I was about to go to bed and didnt have time to clean my mess in the game, but the point was it was not a mass created intentionally to break rules, but because of inexperience in the game rather...
If going to bed/being tired is a valid reason to break rules or not to clean it up it will erupt in chaos. And actually you planning on leaving is a good argument to clean it up imediately. If you leave your company will block the city for people that join after you. I'm not sure if it was you or your friend that did the station spread, but that is abusing game mechanics to get an advantage, and therefor considered cheating.
As stated before, intentions don't change facts.
He kicked me from my company, and what I realized after the game is that I was banned from the server !!! My god
That was after 25 minutes in wich you kept: not listening, giving the same replies, building on, actually everything exept listening and cleaning up the mess created by YOU, not Geert
Now it would be nice if you unban me, but that's not the primary reason why I am writing here.
Will not reply to this cause I actually don't have much to do with the servers other than that I like playing here and that I think Geert was doing exactly as he should.
What stroke me is Geert's behavior. Do you need admins behaving like gestapo in the game ? I thought admins are in the game to prevent abuse and resolve conflicts among players, not exercise frustrations on normal people.
They are there to prevent abuse, and that is exactly what he was doing, clearly you have a little trouble understanding that intentions and no other players in a server do not change the rules.
Please revoke the admin rights of Geert, or educate him that he is not god in the game and there are behavior manners an admin should follow. My point here is not whether he is right or not, but his gestapo attitude, an admin should definitely not have that.
He is being educated, that is why he is a trail admin as can be seen here:
http://n-ice.org/openttd/admins.php (I would even personally suggest that his behavior yesterday should promote him to full admin
, but that aside)
And because I have no official capacity here I will add this: stop whining, and just play by the rules like most other people, and if I were an admin I would programme an autoban for the line: Now you ruined/took all the fun out of the game!