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Do you want the server to send you an alert message if you haven't set password for your company?

Yes. Alert me every 5 minutes
5 (31.3%)
Yes. Alert me every 10 minutes
6 (37.5%)
Don't alert me. I am not that lazy! I always set password
4 (25%)
No opinion
1 (6.3%)

Total Members Voted: 16

Alert players who haven't set password for their company/companies..?? whatever!

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Hi I am always forgetting to set password for my company.. Could any of the admin's tweak the servers so that it prompts players to set password for their company? Of course you can't do it just for my sake.. how many of you out there want the change? ???
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 11:28:45 pm by waldo »
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Can be a good option to set alerts on unpassworded companies... but since I don't have such problems, I'll only post some links and wait for other players opinions:
despite the fact that now we have the Default company password button, as shown here :)
« Last Edit: October 04, 2012, 12:07:41 am by ST2 »



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i agree that still many players seem to forget it, although ST2 also has a point there, because you only need to remember this "Default password" button a single time and from then on no longer have problems, as your client will always automatically set a password.
anyway, such warnings have already been programmed and i would only need to enable it in the configuration, so it would be no problem to do it. although it does not "prompt" the player, it would only be warning messages on the chat.

anyway, maybe there are players that just want to reply on the company protection on our servers and wouldn't want annoying warnings? let us know your opinion...
if we would enable it: in what intervals should the warning be shown? every 5 minutes? 10?
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 11:57:23 pm by YorVeX »



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aha! Majority wants the alert! Anyways lets wait for some more days!  Its not that we are lazy..  we just can't remember when we actually need them!
I even tend to forget people's names within seconds of getting introduced.. totally blank! I'm sure there are many like me!
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yeah, so far it looks like we're going to get the alert. but we need more votes before we can really decide also on the interval.



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Instead of asking an admin to move us to our company, in case of disconnection/powercuts, can this be automated..? like clicking on join company will match our ip with that of the ip that created the company and move us to that company? can this be done? anyways i'm skeptical about this! coz most people have dynamic ip's assigned by their isp's.... enlighten me someone!
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 09:47:10 pm by Waldo »
And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.



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Instead of asking an admin to move us to our company, in case of disconnection/powercuts, can this be automated..? like clicking on join company will match our ip with that of the ip that created the company and move us to that company? can this be done? anyways i'm skeptical about this! coz most people have dynamic ip's assigned by their isp's.... enlighten me someone!

Currently if your IP + name matches somebody on the 'known' list for the company you can join it, even if you have no password set. You can get on the known list by starting the company or being invited by somebody that is in the company.

Now the point: Your name and IP must match. So if you had an afk tag when you disconnected, or have a dynamic IP or moved between house/school/friend/work you will not be recognized and will not be able to join the company.

You have set a password manually or automatic. In that case you only need the PW, name and IP do not matter.

To automatically set a PW so you can't forget as ST2 said:

Fill in a pw like you normally do and press default. The client will then automatically set that PW every time you start a company.

So in short if you have a PW set joining is never problem, and admins don't have to move you. That is why the poll is about if there should be a reminder for people that are lazy/forget :)
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there is a line in openttd.cfg which sets default password for any new company

default_company_pass = mypass



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there is a line in openttd.cfg which sets default password for any new company

default_company_pass = mypass

i guess for the "average consumer" it's easier to just press the "default" button in the company password dialog. this will make the password you entered for the company the future default password for all companies.

Instead of asking an admin to move us to our company, in case of disconnection/powercuts, can this be automated..? like clicking on join company will match our ip with that of the ip that created the company and move us to that company? can this be done? anyways i'm skeptical about this! coz most people have dynamic ip's assigned by their isp's.... enlighten me someone!
imho that's independent from the alerts to set a password, because in the end setting a password is the best solution and our company protection is just a secondary solution because too many people forget to set a pass or they don't care (which usually changes as soon as the first griefer joins them and destroys their game...).

anyway, we have this thing in the pipeline. if you read my comment there especially the "smart" option could improve the situation a lot in your favor.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2020, 10:58:01 pm by YorVeX »



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especially the "smart" option could improve the situation a lot in your favor.

I like that option a lot. It is basically what we (as admins) do atm when there is a case of somebody not being able to join.
Additionally maybe another thing could be added: Name AND Logged in

alex879ro: "Each player has a different knowledge of the game, and then we got Andreas :)"