you are not treated as a 14 year old child. the 14 year old child got a treatment and you are affected by it, as you share the same internet connection. at least about you and badboy there is nothing we could technically do to separate your bans, a ban of one of you will always affect the other one too.
i believe you, and i understand that it is hard for you, but if the excuse "it's not me violating the rules and i cannot stop the other one from doing it" was valid we could as well delete our rules and let everyone do what he wants. let me quote something a wise person has said not so long ago:
[23:15] <Maximillion_> u have to be strict, its the only way to control it
as stated before the ban is removed tomorrow. it has a fixed schedule, there is no hurrying
as you were writing such a nice text i tell you a secret: due to some technical problems we had with our ban system you are only banned on servers 2, 3 and 5 right now, the other bans got lost (that makes 8 servers you are not banned on right now).