first of all: we don't have default values, ST2 was mistaken there. our current settings (on all servers) are:
terraform_per_64k_frames = 886
terraform_frame_burst = 50
the idea for these values came from
this thread:
74 tiles in a single day (2.3 seconds) is quite an ammount. if you want to limit this further to define that a company only gets a single tile added to their allowance every day:
1 (numer of tiles to add per day) / 74 (number of frames per day) * 65536 (numer of frames behind the per 64k frames variable) = 885.621653504
so setting the per 64k frames variable to 886 means a company gets an allowance of a bit over 1 tile per day.
you see that the settings are a bit weird, it's not easy to get even "real life" values from that. so this is what i wanted, 1 tile added to your allowance per day. it's also something everybody can easily picture and use to calculate.
I frequently hit the limit playing alone... Just look at that screenshot that is not much terraforming. That's why I suggested it be increased.
your screenshot is a bad example. it was pointless to raise the land there. ok, sure, that's only because it's an example. but when you're already build something only for a screenshot to demonstrate, why not show an example where it would really be necessary in your eyes?
but even if i fade out that fact and try to imagine that way of land raising in a place where it would "fit" (e.g. land at the start and end of it is higher) it's an ugly way of building and again is more like "landscape tycoon" than "transport tycoon". what's the problem with just letting the train go up a tile and down again?
Or as previously stated traversing lakes takes quite a long time with the current settings.
there is a reason why this game isn't just flat land with no obstructions in the way, it would be too boring. it's a lake, jesus, deal with it, use bridges, dig up small tiles of land here and there if they'd get too long, be creative. i don't accept as a reason for raising the limit that you want to kill lakes.
Just image on the longrun server I make a 20 x 6 station, but half the station requires some terraforming. That is already more than the terraforming limit so I start building tracks
finally, the first example i see that at least might be a little valid, simply because the game requires you to have the full station at the same level (except with satellite stations, which is another story). and it would be bad to change the land bit by bit, meanwhile a nearby city might start to hate you and eventually forbid any station building when you are done.
so with a maximum station spread of 20 "half of the station" would be 20x10, right? so my offer would be to raise the burst limit from 50 to 200. that's a huge raise, but i'd leave the 64k setting as it is, so your allowance still only regenerates one tile per day. but now you are able to do the big changes in one turn (ofc use up your total allowance faster with that).