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Messages - Marty

Pages: [1]
General / Server 2: Won the game but i got no points! QQ
« on: August 29, 2024, 12:34:01 am »
Said my performance rating was too low? I was logged into my account.

Still learning, at least I'm progressing (won my first game). Now need to figure out this performance rating metric, so when I win I get points!

Also i found in the last 15mins before i reached the goal. it  stopped letting me build poping up a message build cost $0. I guess by then I had reached the goal so it was just playing things out?

Also if i new there was a performance rating requirement to get points other than to get the town to grow to 3k pop I'd be mindful of that.

Maybe I didn't see it in the !cv command, is it mentioned and I overlooked it? Also any advice for a good performance rating? For your stations make sure they have a good rating or higher? Tho I found for airports this is hard to do short of a mail service.

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